Basic Medical supplies and Health Care Infrastructures

In this 21ST century, many people in Africa die because of the lack for basic medical supplies and healthcare facilities. Most of the villages in Africa have no health clinics and are offered no medical attention as result. Such a social living condition often heightens hope and harmony among the populations.  Improving these current overpowering living conditions in many areas of Africa, will heighten hope and harmony among the populations.

Although no part of the population is unaffected by poor health, it is often the poorest sectors of society that are most vulnerable to the epidemic of unchecked diseases and for whom the consequences are disastrous. Evidently, many villages in Africa still manage to survive without basic health care facilities to keep well. That is why SANDJI CDC is fully committed to making sure that the rural populations get access to health care facilities; medical supplies; as well as information on preventative
practices. As solution, SANDJI CDC will advocate for basic healthcare infrastructures in the remote areas, in order to provide villagers with primary medical assistance immediate medical supplies.


Building Primary Schools